Monday, May 27, 2024

Another new-be guided trip.

I often find myself fishing public waters that have plentiful people fishing and saying things like “I’ve been fishing all day and I haven’t caught anything, there’s no fish here”. Now I’m not so cocky as to think that I could not have a bad day on a trip to think that I might have one of those skunked days. I’ve had plenty. But usually even if the fish are being totally uncooperative I can catch at least one. So I start fishing and shortly I have caught several right where those people who have just commented that there are no fish there.  Sometimes, actually more than not I start getting the 1000 questions routine’s.  How do you do that, what kinds of flys do you use. And on occasions I have been asked to guide someone for a few hours. Now I’m a computer engineer and guided trips are way below my pay grade.  A day trip for a good guide in my area is about 150-200 a day depending on the area and the water.  Several guides I know on public water, utilizing their boat and equipment are getting 150 for four hours.  Four hours of untangling lines, explaining what to do and repeating myself a few dozen times isn’t my idea of a great day on the water. So I usually say yes I’ll do it for a couple of hours no charge.  The pictures I have posted are from one such project with a little twist. An experienced guide friend of mine had this friend who he was working with trying to teach him how to fly fish. After a couple of days of training he called on me and said he was out of patience and would I consider taking his friend out for a couple of hours. He warned me that it might be an impossible task because he had been working with the guy and he hadn’t caught a single fish nor even had a bite. Bobby is one of two guides that I know that I would just about always try to help out when I can. So I took the challenge. After a while I realized that this was going to be tough but I persevered and after I hooked a few fish trying to show him technique and fly presentation he caught on and caught a few nice fish.

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