Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Big Fish in public waters

A lot of people think that you cannot catch a large trout in public places.  The idea is that they are all fished out because the local public keeps a lot of them.  True many people keep a lions share of the fish that the DNR stocks.  I would estimate probably between 80-90 percent are removed and end up in the frying pan.  But the fish that remain often grow to sizeable specimens.  I recently hooked up with one of those monsters.  And actually though I have access to some pretty special places that are private my largest fish are still all caught in public places that the general public not only fish in but some of them are so frequented that most would say there are not possibly any fish in that area.  I have several of those places marked in my mind, places that I have named “the horseshoe”, “the drop”, “three seams”.  All places that I have either caught 20+ inch fish and in several of them have seen trout in the 30+ inch range.